[WIP] Jerry Todd and The Killer Bulbs

Last but absolutely not least, there’s another adventure game project called Jerry Todd and The Killer Bulbs (Jerry Todd e i bulbi assassini in Italian) – a project I’m really happy about because I’ll have the pleasure to work with Gianluca Gemelli, a writer I’ve met on-line years ago, thanks to our shared passion about The Three Investigators, and that I’ve followed ever since. In these last few years, he did a lot of translation/adaptation of Leo Edwards books and I simply loved them. So I’ve asked him to create an original story with the same setting, to be used as a plot for a computer game, and in just one day he wrote the short story we’re now going to adapt to be a point-and-click AND/OR a graphic text adventure (I’m still thinking about that).

BUT while I’m thinking about that, this is what I’ve done and, uh, so far I’m really happy about it :-)

This is the sketch of the game map – with Gianluca’s images

[WIP] Serum [C64]

The second project I’m working on is still a C64 game, but this time is an arcade game – a platformer, even if quite different compared to Santa’s Rats Issue. It will be a zombie game – with a multiscreen map (of an underground laboratory) full of danger AND, yup, also with a light problem .-)
This image is just my first study about this kind of effect – that anyway may change in the real game.

This project won’t be a solo one – and my partner-in-crime is Andrea Capitani – with whom I’ve worked a lot of times for mobile games.

For this project, I still don’t have an exact time plan.

[WIP] Once [C64]

Considering that at the moment I’m working on THREE different game projects I think that posting something about them could help me later on to remember when I’ve started them :-)
First of the three is Once (original title was Once They’ve Seen Us) and it’s the “full-length game” for which I’ve started to code StoryTllrC64 (my 8bit interactive fiction engine)

It’s a supernatural story – set at the very end of the 90s in Modena – that I hope to release within 30/40 days (of course, if ever…)

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