NESTERIN TRAIL A C64 fantasy text adventure @marcogiorgini FULL WALKTHROUGH *** START *** [Main Square] e [Inn dining room] x fireplace x sign ask innkeeper about erik take key u [Corridor] e [Room] x bed x mattress take notebook x furniture x drawer w [Corridor] d [Inn dining room] w [Main Square] w [Market] x food x clothes x uniform ask seller about meat ask seller about supplies ask seller about witch n x school nw [School alley] use knife on door open door [School room] x material take pencil x cabinets push cabinets open cabinets take twine w [School alley] se [Market] e [Main Square] s [Nesterin South entrance] x guard e [Forest path] x animals x rabbits hunt rabbits x plants e [Forest path] x trees cut branches take bow w [Forest path] hunt rabbits with bow take rabbit w [Nesterin South entrance] nw [Northern road] x road x tarps take barrels se [Nesterin South entrance] ask guard about barrels nw [Northern road] ask men barrels take barrel se [Nesterin South entrance] n [Main Square] e [Inn dining room] show barrel to innkeeper enter kitchen [Kitchen] give barrel to cook x jars ask cook about supplies ask cook about spices ask cook about irillis x window x bench x cook ask cook about erik show pendant to cook ask cook for help with cabinets s [Inn dining room] w [Main Square] w [Market] nw [School alley] e [School room] push cabinets u [School Library] x books x geography take map search botany section for irillis search botany for rodum x ancient book x grimoire read grimoire d [School room] w [School alley] se [Market] e [Main Square] s [Nesterin South entrance] e [Forest path] x plants take irillis take rodum w [Nesterin South entrance] e [Forest path] e [Forest path] use map se [Forest house] x grass x door open door [Forest house interior] x books read books x painting x glass drink glass [Forest house] enter house [Forest house interior] read books exit [Forest house] go back to nesterin [Main Square] w [Market] give rabbit to seller ask saleswoman about uniform e [Main Square] x bench x man talk to man ask man about erik give bread to man e [Inn dining room] u [Corridor] e [Room] take flask drop knife w [Corridor] d [Inn dining room] w [Main Square] n [Banks Square] x instrument x statue x inscriptions x layout x notebook e [Governor's Square] x fountain take coins fill flask with fountain e w [Banks Square] s [Main Square] give flask to man ask man about erik give bread to man ask man about erik w [Market] give ring to saleswoman i wear jacket e [Main Square] n [Banks Square] e [Governor's Square] e [Prison] s talk to guard [Governor's Square] w [Banks Square] s [Main Square] s [Nesterin South entrance] ask guard about insignia take insignia put insignia on jacket n [Main Square] n [Banks Square] e [Governor's Square] e [Prison] talk to guad talk to guard w [Governor's Square] w [Banks Square] s [Main Square] e [Inn dining room] go to kitchen [Kitchen] take barrel put irillis on barrel put rodum on barrel s [Inn dining room] exit [Main Square] s [Nesterin South entrance] nw [Northern road] give barrel to men se [Nesterin South entrance] e [Forest path] take irillis take rodum w [Nesterin South entrance] n [Main Square] w [Market] nw [School alley] e [School room] u [School Library] search botany for berries search botany for baryl d [School room] w [School alley] se [Market] e [Main Square] e [Inn dining room] n [Kitchen] give barrel to cook take barrel put irillis on barrel put rodum on barrel s [Inn dining room] w [Main Square] s [Nesterin South entrance] nw [Forest path] e [Forest path] se [Forest house] x grass take baryl eat baryl n [Forest path] w [Forest path] w [Nesterin South entrance] nw [Northern road] give barrel to men nw [Lyrin camp] x red enter red tent [Red tent] x erik talk to erik exit [Lyrin camp] go to nesterin [Nesterin South entrance] n [Main Square] n [Banks Square] e [Governor's Square] e [Prison] talk to guard s [Prison cell] ask woman about erik show pendant to woman ask woman about erik n [Prison] w [Governor's Square] w [Banks Square] s [Main Square] w [Market] nw [School alley] e [School room] u [School Library] x geometry section take documents x documents search documents about summoning x notebook search grimoire for arkylzoth take grimoire page x page search documents about sacred places d [School room] w [School alley] se [Market] e [Main Square] e [Inn dining room] u [Corridor] e [Room] take knife w [Corridor] d [Inn dining room] w [Main Square] s [Nesterin South entrance] nw [Northern road] nw [Lyrin camp] enter red tent [Red tent] carve erik eyes exit [Lyrin camp] go to nesterin [Nesterin South entrance] n [Main Square] n [Banks Square] e [Governor's Square] take coins n [Nesterin North gate] n [Forest path] use map ne [Ruins] x door insert coin into slit d [Ruins interior] x altar put eyes on altar cut yourself cast spell [Ruins] sw [Forest path] w [Forest pond] x puddles hunt fish with bow take fish n [Nesterin Falls] x lake x creature hunt creature with bow throw fish into lake ne [Mountain path] take stones ne drop jacket ne [Mine entrance] d [Mine tunnel] x markings x notebook se [Forge] x inscriptions x forge x instrument push triangle on instrument x inscriptions push cross on instrument put stone into forge take plate x plate exit [Mine tunnel] u [Mine entrance] sw [Mountain path] take jacket go to nesterin [Nesterin North gate] s [Governor's Square] w [Banks Square] s [Main Square] s [Nesterin South entrance] e [Forest path] take irillis w [Nesterin South entrance] n [Main Square] e [Inn dining room] n [Kitchen] give irillis to cook s [Inn dining room] w [Main Square] s [Nesterin South entrance] s *** END ***